Extending TCG’s Capture capabilities with DocSnap

An interview with Neil Walker, Head of Product at TCG Process.

Hi Neil.
TCG recently released a new product - DocSnap. Why?

The modern workplace is one where people are able to work wherever and however they want, which for organisations that still want to remain in control of their processes and also improve efficiency represents a bit of a challenge, one that DocSnap addresses, by connecting people with processes, in a dynamic and simple way. This is such an exciting release for TCG.

There is nothing new about a mobile app for capturing documents, so what is unique about DocSnap?

Correct, but the general apps are exactly that, they allow the user to capture whatever they want, in any format they want, and then you hope they send the captured image to the right place. DocSnap adds control to the whole experience through centrally defined configuration that automatically controls the entire process. This simplifies the user experience and ensures the correct business outcome.

Why would companies not just develop their own app?

That really comes down to the target audience and the overhead involved in developing and maintaining the app. In the case of an organisation wanting to create an app for end-customers, they may decide the time and effort is worth it, in this case they can use our SDK to embed some of the same great features of DocSnap in their own app. For organisations looking to enable remote workers, brokers and business partners then the speed of deployment, the capability to simply configure new capture profiles using a no-code approach, plus roll out app changes dynamically from a single centralised source, makes DocSnap the perfect choice.

What was the reason to create this kind of new product?

This app is a natural extension of our intelligent process automation solution, DocProStar. Extending industry-leading capture capabilities even further, DocSnap includes inbuilt traceability and controls for mobile devices. This is key for the remote workplace trend organizations are experiencing worldwide.

Who created this product?

TCG Process is now developing its product DocProStar in five different geographies on three continents. Truly global. In the case of DocSnap, I am especially pleased that it has been developed by our friends from TCG Brazil under the engineering leadership of Jonathan Freire. Well done, amigos!

DocSnap is simply the latest testament that at TCG Process we are continuously enhancing product functionality for DocProStar in line with the needs of our customers and partners.

What are the specialties of DocSnap?

Put simply, it is all about simplicity meets capability, ease of installation, ease of configuration, ease of deployment and ease of maintenance. All coupled with the powerful capabilities of DocProStar to allow almost limitless use case scenarios. Offering the business the capability and flexibility that is needed without the headaches for the IT department!

How can you get DocSnap?

DocSnap is available to download from both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Take a look at the DocSnap page on our website. You can even download the app and try out some of our simple demo profiles. The real power comes when coupled up with DocProStar to meet our customer's specific needs. Talk to us today and find out how intelligent process automation coupled with capture that couldn’t be simpler can improve your processes and business outcome.

By the way! Watch this space – more to come!

Thank you Neil.

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